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What Clients Say 

In the world of counseling and therapy, testimonials are something that is often exchanged in the sessions and remains in the hearts of the therapist and the client. 

Mental health well-being is gaining more awareness but it's still a taboo for most people who are either unaware or hesitant to reach out for professional help.  Clients passionate about promoting mental health well-being have posted their healing journey & experience here, to be shared with the world. 

We sincerely thank these clients for their courage, their belief in us, and themselves.

P.S: Testimonials have been published as per the client's preferences, identification details have been kept confidential wherever requested and published where permitted.


"The insights and warmth that Deepika carries throughout the therapy process is a beautiful experience. I am still amazed at the process of BWRT, like a state of surprise about how it could actually change the core belief.. but trust me I have seen and felt the difference in my day to day functioning. I choose to also start learning this after experiencing it because I believe in the work done by Deepika. It makes me believe healing doesn't need 100 sessions, there could be a internal and forever shift in a 6-8 sessions as well. I feel happier, grateful and myself more than I did before I started therapy with her."


—  Dhruvi Seth, Indore

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